Namsskogan municipality

Namsskogan municipality has approx. 120 employees who provide services to the local residents and visitors. Our values ​​are openness, respect, equality and humor. The municipality has two schools and three kindergartens of good standard and with nice outdoor areas for outdoor activities, ball games and ski activities, and that the municipality has two swimming pools and a large multipurpose hall.

Namsskogan municipality has for many years invested heavily in facilitation for young and old. This is reflected today through a modern and well-developed child and youth school with a swimming pool and school leisure programs.

The municipality also has good daycare facilities and a modern retirement home. This provides security for all generations. The municipality can also offer attractive residential areas in regulated areas at a great price.

The municipality wants more inhabitants and to expand the business industry in the area. Therefore, an active business policy is exercised with support for new and existing businesses, both financially and through facilitation and guidance.

Facts about Namsskogan municipality:

Number of inhabitants: 916 (as of 01.06.08)
Area: 1,417 km2
Towns: Namsskogan, Brekkvasselv, Trones and Skorovatn
Municipal center: Namsskogan
Important industries: Agriculture - including reindeer husbandry, tourism and production industry.

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